Working with Bertt at ArcBruTile we now have mapspast layers available for ARCGIS. I'll put togeter a nice howto page on this site when I get a moment, but for now the instructions are as below. ArcBruTile is a wonderful extensionfor ArcGIS which displays TMS tile map layers at any scale - you're not just limited to the zoom levels the web service provides.
To Use:
1) Install ArcBruTile from:
2) Open ArcGIS
Navigate to the menu: Customize -> Toolbars
Select arcBruTile
-> The arcBruTile toolbar will be shown.
3) Click 'ArcBruTile#.# v' in the toolbar and select 'Add TMS Service'
4) Click 'Add provider' and select 'NZ Maps Past'*
If "NZ MapsPast" is not in the list, enter the details manually:
Name: NZ MapsPast
URL: http://au.mapspast.org.nz/arcBruTile/mapspast.xml
Click 'Add Provider' to close the window
5) Select the MapsPast layer you wish to add to your map from the dropdown.
Note: It may be advisable to navigate to the NZ region of the world using a layer with global coverage before switching to mapspast layers, as the local maps can be hard to spot when zoomed out to the entire globe.
(2016/07/19 08:08)
To Use:
1) Install ArcBruTile from:
2) Open ArcGIS
Navigate to the menu: Customize -> Toolbars
Select arcBruTile
-> The arcBruTile toolbar will be shown.
3) Click 'ArcBruTile#.# v' in the toolbar and select 'Add TMS Service'
4) Click 'Add provider' and select 'NZ Maps Past'*
If "NZ MapsPast" is not in the list, enter the details manually:
Name: NZ MapsPast
URL: http://au.mapspast.org.nz/arcBruTile/mapspast.xml
Click 'Add Provider' to close the window
5) Select the MapsPast layer you wish to add to your map from the dropdown.
Note: It may be advisable to navigate to the NZ region of the world using a layer with global coverage before switching to mapspast layers, as the local maps can be hard to spot when zoomed out to the entire globe.
(2016/07/19 08:08)