displaying multiple features on one basemaps
@Primalearthimages@gmail.com Hello, Thanks for this excellent resource!! I'm wondering if it would be possible to display features like walking tracks from multiple years onto one (maybe the current) base map? To show for example how tracks have rerouted over the years ... (more)
(2024/02/06 00:09)

Vector Versions?
@Andrew.smith@team.unigis.net I have been attempting to digitise the TLA boundaries, mainly as there seems to be no digitised version of these prior to the major re-organisation in 1989. There are a few gaps in my work so far but I'm happy to share where I've got to so far
(2023/12/18 00:55)

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1949 NZMS15 Map Legend
@Julia Hi i am looking for the map legend for the 1949 series to understand the symbols. Is it scanned in anywhere?
(2023/11/01 00:30)

NZMS 1 S16 Queen Charlotte
@Bsargeant Hi, I( have a list of 20 coordinates (SIMG yards) that are within the bounds of the above map. Is it possible to download a copy of this particular map sheet so as I can identify the points? Cheers Brian
(2023/10/29 00:46)

NZMS1 1959 error
@Phughes The sheet north of Napier that includes Tarawera has an incorrect pixel size in the X direction. Note the distorted gridlines
(2023/10/08 00:07)

Trying to locate 28316 Raincliff, South Canterbury
@Grahamlamont I'm trying to establish the location of Section 28316 at/near Raincliff, South Canterbury, that my Great Grandfather James Braddick purchased in or around 1889. I'll be grateful for any guidance you can provide. Thank you. Graham Lamont
(2023/08/30 22:57)

one map scale wrong
@Matt Thanks - will reprocess that layer.
(2022/03/19 04:04)

1 inch to 1 mile series
@Jon jackson Hi Is the NZMS 1 sheet 53 available on-line please. I would dearly like to look at it. ( it may be called “Lake sumner”) Thanks Jon
(2024/12/16 02:21)

1939 Base Map
@Pauline allan-downs I am looking at Jounneaux Road, Kamo Not 17/18 I am wanting to find out the original name of the owner of this land please.
(2022/09/12 06:03)

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MapsPast in ArcGIS Pro
@Cecilia latham Hi, Thanks so much for putting this amazing resource together. It is great to have all these historical maps available. I have managed to connect to the basemaps using qGIS, but I was wondering whether there is also a way of connecting using ArcG ... (more)
(2021/11/18 22:23)

need any NZMS topomaps Canty
@Grant hunter Hi there. i have been given a selection of NZMS1s 1960s/70s for the SI, mostly Canterbury. Are you missing any for scanning?
(2021/09/10 09:58)

1889 cadastrals
@Dave nevin Hi, brilliant resource. I see APL has Block V Russell SD, 1889 :-) And, Waikato Uni has a list of all the 1;25,000 sheets NZMS2A ? but perhaps these are only a rescale of 1 inch mile topos? cheers Dave Nevin
(2021/07/27 04:50)

Road Names
@Matt You might look at the original town plans at geodatahub: https://geodatahub.library.auckland.ac.nz/gdr/#maps-nzms Series NZMS-16 is probably the series you'd need if the streets are urban/suburban. If they are further out of town than th ... (more)
(2021/02/24 06:15)

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Could you share topo50-2019 xml for QGIS
@Matt 2019 layer is now available for QGIS. As Arcbrutile is no longer free/opensource I can no longer test or maintain the arcbrutile maps for ArcGIS.
(2021/02/24 06:09)

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@Peter dare Thank you No, I think you have worked hard enough! without recording the reliability data! Yes, the original data shows the whole of the map (although as a TIFF...it seems. Hard work for me...). Scanned sheets- I wonder what happened to the orig ... (more)
(2020/10/18 22:23)

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@Ken41 Hi, i was recently given ref to your web page when asking a site re land ownership & like in NZ (I was born Tauranga 1941). It seems your maps are more topographic and very interesting for other research. I did a tracing of a topo map of Mayer ... (more)
(2020/08/22 02:03)

@Matt Hi Jason. Short answer: no. The gridlines are part of them map image. The original gridless images for the topo50 series are available to download from LINZ http://linz.govt.nz or Auckland uni: https://geodatahub.library.auckland.ac.nz ... (more)
(2020/08/01 20:42)

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Not showing maps?
@Matt Hi @Tganzrussell. There was a brief interruption to the amazon web services storage which hosts the main mapspast layers around that time. From what I can see the maps are working at present. I am also aware that LINZ airphotos were out ... (more)
(2020/06/12 01:24)

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1969 Alpine areas maps missing
@Matt As far as I'm aware the area was not mapped until the '70s. Please get back to me if you know that they do exist and I'll chase them up.
(2020/03/01 18:03)

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Wellington map order
@Emily Hello, just want to let you know two maps are showing out of chronological order for the south Wellington area (Hawkins Hill/Brooklyn). NZMS15 Hutt-Makara printed 1951 appears before NZMS1 Wellington printed 1950 (listed under 1949 and 1959 respe ... (more)
(2020/01/28 04:01)